As Sebas wanted to overwrite her memories, Demiurge proposes killing her for making certain no knowledge of them is leaked which is rejected by Ainz, not wanting to kill needlessly with nothing to gain from it. Ainz returns, asking if Demiurge is satisfied by the test. Sebas returns to the meeting room, teased by Demiurge for his flushed face. Sebas goes to petition Ainz, and before he goes, Tuare kisses him.

Tuare's only attachment is her little sister. Sebas then decides to ask Ainz to allow Tuare to continue under his care as a maid in Nazarick, but only if she has no human world attachments. But serving under him and his kindness, she wants to continue as a maid so long as she can still be with him. Even growing up, she was always hungry as the feudal lord of her land took most of the crops grown, leaving her people with next to nothing. However, she does not wish to leave, as her life was small and difficult. Sebas does not offer an apology to Tuare, instead offering to petition his master for memory alteration magic for her to live peacefully among humans. Determining that enough information was gathered, Ainz declares the mission complete and vacates with Victim to Nazarick. Mid-attack, Cocytus blocks him as this was a test, confirming to Ainz that the attack was unquestionably a killing blow as ordered, proving Sebas' loyalty is unfeigned.

Stunned by this order at first, he seriously attacks her as she readies herself for death and fully trusting of him. Given that Sebas was ordered to be discreet in his information gathering but has brought unwanted attention, Ainz will forgive him if he kills Tuare. Demiurge readies to use Controller Magic on her, but Ainz permits her to stand of her own will as she is brave enough to look Ainz straight in the face. Solution Epsilon brings Tuare per Ainz's orders. Seeing Sebas sweating, Ainz tosses a handkerchief to his feet. Sebas Tian is called before Ainz Ooal Gown, who has brought with him Demiurge, Victim, and Cocytus.